In the early years of my Christian walk as a youth,1. Fridays night were ment for vigils in the Church2. Youth convention was purely for prayers, fasting, Bible study, and edifying activities3. As a single when you are going to visit an opposite sex you don’t dare go alone4. When your Pastor scolds you, you bow your head in tears for being a source of concern to him5. We don’t purchase any clothe we can’t wear to church6. During youth programmes we engage in activities like draw your sword, Bible quizzes7. Every Saturday was for Evangelism 8. We were mobile Bibles as we could quote tens of scriptures by heart9.We don’t dare leave our houses for church without a Bible10. We arrive church hours before service to prepare the church11. Virginity was dignity to us and not lack of opportunity12. It wasn’t difficult to identify us from unbelievers even as classroom students because you see God’s glory on us13. We were not ashamed to publicly declare our Christian faith14. We go out for morning cry as early as 5:00AM daily15. We always preached in every bus we took 16. There was this deep hunger in us to attend programmes in church17. Even without an official ordination we were called Pastors and Evangelists18. We usually go to pray for the sick in hospitals for healing19. We dared to pray for the dead to come back to life20. Having a daily devotional was important to us21. We challenged ourselves to spend more time in the things of the kingdom22. We looked forward to our yearly camp meeting for an encounter with God23. During worship sessions we received accurate words of knowledge from the Lord24. We were used as models to correct unbelievers25. We were a source of Joy and honour to our parents and church26. Our conscience were very active and alive to admit when our ways were not right with God…27. And this is the reason why many of us then are now Pastors and YOUTHS of nowadays found it difficult to challenge our achievement because they are not ready to pay the price!Do I have witnesses out there!!!WHAT WENT WRONG AND WHERE DID WE MISS IT?Can there still be revival again?.