70years In The Church of E. W Kenyon

This got me Thinking:
Anybody that died below 70years in the church of E.W KENYON he raised him back to life…

A man called Saint Patrick did not only raise dead people back to life…

He was also raising dead animals and dead trees back to life…

An illeterate that was rejected admission into Bible school disappeared from the community and people thought he had committed suicide…

2 months after, he resurfaced in a place where someone died in the community…

As they saw him, all of them ran away… Thinking he was a ghost…

He went straight inside the room the dead man was lying…

He didn’t pray… He didn’t open the Bible…

He just got there. Called the man’s name and told him:

“Please, stand up now, because i want you to accompany me back to the train station …”

Immediately, the dead man heard his voice, he rose up from the dead and followed him out of the room…

People saw them and were following them around to wherever they were going…

When they got to the old rail way station, he entered there with his new friend that just came back to life …

That was when people knew that he was not dead all these while he disappeared…

He was there looking for the power of God…

Since they rejected him admission into bible school, he made up his mind to look for God or die looking for God …

By The next morning, it was already on the news that a dead man came back from the land of the dead to raise another dead man back to life…

That old railway became a tourist center…

People were coming to see the dead man that rose another dead man back to life…

But as he would be explaining to them how it all happened, the power of God would hit them…

Some of them would be on the floor crying for their sins, until the next morning…

Other people will come there and meet them there…

The next time he went back to the school to seek admission…

All the teachers in the school gathered around him, begging him to teach them how to raise the dead…

As he was explaining to the teachers of the school, students sited him and gathered there…

As he saw their hunger to manifest the power of God, he released the power of God upon them …

And both teachers and students were impacted…

As they left there, they began to heal all manner of sicknesses…

That was how a massive revival broke out in that little community that lasted for about 100 years…

I am tired of coming online to see carnality being displayed by carnal men and women…

I am now ashamed of the days I wasted time noticing those that are not noticing me and those that are noticing me …

There is a higher calling…

We can’t remain in this level and expect to bring revival in our communities…

Suddenly, you have lost your burden to bring Jesus to your community…

Sir, check your new friends…

Suddenly, all your prayer request is for God to give you this and that…

No more passion for the Kingdom…
No more desire to take the gospel to some areas in your street…

Sister, you need God to revive you again…

Imagine if we have such a man in your family…
Tell me where the witch will come from to fight your business and marriage…

Imagine if you become such a man that raises both dead trees and animals back to life…

Tell me why the people troubling all the male children in your fathers house will not come to apologize to you…

We lost everything when we began to struggle to gain everything…

We failed everywhere when it became obvious that we have failed in the place of prayer…

Many families and communities are still doomed to premature deaths and chronic poverty…

Because those who God is expecting to carry the Fire there are on Facebook looking for those that will help them fight their enemies…

I wish God will open our eyes to see how backward friends have kept us all these years…

I wish we will tell ourselves the truth that we are far behind…

There is a program hanging over out heads that have not been fulfilled yet…

There are people that needs to enter into another dimension of power…

There are people that needs to rededicate their lives to the cause of the Cross which they once carried brazenly…

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